Monday, March 5, 2012

According to AC/DC, Black Money Rules In Sin City; and, Hell, they even wrote a song about it.

AC/DC Sin City - album cover.
The Popular Hit Song: " Sin City " - recorded by AC/DC in 1978 - is merely one of their highly numerous Hip Hop Prophecies in providing their own Service To Lucifer. Unlike so many others, this particular Australian Rock Band rarely disguises Their Own True Allegiance... after all: Their Music Is Loud, The Lyrics Often Get Drowned Out, Their Fan Base Is Mesmerized, and They Just Want To Party. It doesn't require very much to spellbind The Already Simple Minded!

As their own album cover clearly relates: " Black Money Rules In Sin City "... and their own Highly Numerous Fan Base, fully represents millions of souls for The Kingdom Of Lucifer. In fact, they've got their own: " Black Money "... and, loads of it, too! If you don't believe me, then why not watch their own 5 Minute Video for: " Sin City " - just to see. Afterward, we'll look at those lyrics....

America In Prophecy

Sin City - by: AC/DC

Sin City - Lyrics By: AC/DC

Diamonds and dust [ Wealth And Poverty ]
Poor man last [ The Spiritual Man Is Last ],
Rich man first [ And The Material Man Is First ]
Lamborghini's, caviar 
Dry martinis, Shangra-la [ Everything Is Merely For The Taking ]
I got a burning feeling
Deep inside of me [ I Admit It, I'm Covetous ]
It's a yearning [ The Spirit Has Gripped Me ]
But, I'm gonna to set it free [ But, I Don't Truthfully Care ]

I'm goin' in [ I'm Now Headed For ] - 
to Sin City [ The Kingdom Of Lucifer ]

I'm gonna win [ I'm Gonna Be Powerful ] -
in Sin City [ In The Kingdom Of Satan ]

Where the lights are bright [ Where The Party Is Raging ]
Through the town tonight [ And The Rooms Are All Crowded ]
I'm gonna win [ I'm Gonna Be Powerful ] -
in Sin City [ In The Kingdom Of Satan ]

Oh [ You Can Be Sure ],
I'm gonna roll you [ I'm Taking You Too ],
baby [ O, Ignorant One ]
Snake Eyes [ You've Crapped Out ],
wooo [ I've Gotcha, My Friend ]!

Ladders and snakes [ Heaven And Hell ]
Ladders give [ The Mighty One Gives ],
Snakes take [ And Lucifer Takes ]
Rich man, poor man, 
beggar man, thief [ It Doesn't Matter Who You Are ]
Ain't got a hope in hell [ You're Going Down With Me ]
that's my belief [ That's What I Think ]

Fingers Finney, Diamond Jim [ You Previous High Rollers ]
Ya' better get ready [ To Pump Up The Party ],
look out, I'm comin' in [ Because, I'm Coming Now ]
So, spin that wheel, 
cut that pack
And roll those loaded dice [ My Following Will Be Bigger Than Yours ]
Bring on the dancing girls
And put the champagne on ice [ I'm The New Kingpin ]

I'm goin' in [ I'm Now Headed For ] - 
to Sin City [ The Kingdom Of Lucifer ]

I'm gonna win [ I'm Gonna Be Powerful ] -
in Sin City [ In The Kingdom Of Satan ]

Where the lights are bright [ Where The Party Is Raging ]
Through the town tonight [ And The Rooms Are All Crowded ]
I'm gonna win [ I'm Gonna Be Powerful ] -
in Sin City [ In The Kingdom Of Satan ]

I'm gonna roll you [ I'm Taking You Too ],
baby [ O, Ignorant One ]....

 Honestly, folks, don't those Satanic Song Lyrics [ truthfully ] speak for themselves? I mean, really: " Are We All, Honestly, That Stupid "? Please, Wake Up... and, Grow A Set Of Gonads... because, Our Own Day Of Trouble Is Now Coming! Meanwhile, Lucifer is playing for keeps....

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's Own: Love and Peace - be upon you!


  1. I can only laugh, ACDC Hip Hop? what a funny statement! It just goes to show how much you know about the world outside of the space between your two ears.

    You say 'this Australian Rock Band rarely disguises Their Own True Allegiance' yet you put alternative wording for these and every other song, if there was nothing disguised then you wouldn't have to make up alternative wording.

    The satanic lyrics are your own alternative wordings to the songs, these alternative satanic lyrics are coming from within you, it may be time you looked into your own soul to see whats there.

    1. Indeed, I said: " This Australian Rock Band rarely disguises Their Own True Allegiance. " Please consider their own following Album Cover as very clear evidence....

      * Highway To Hell

  2. The term wasn't: " Hip Hop "... it was: " Hip Hop Prophecy ". Perhaps, you might attempt to consider The True Difference? Hip Hop Prophecy has absolutely nothing to do with The Genre Of Music involved!

    Moreover, those Satanic Code Words are what they are....

  3. By the way, Mr. Anonymous, if I'm so wrong about: " these [ song lyrics ] and every other song " - then, Why Have You Wasted Your Own Time, in reading them all, in the first place?

    That, just, seems terribly stupid of you....

  4. I don't consider reading other peoples point of views to be wasting my time or terribly stupid of myself either. Fortunately I don't have a closed mind and I'm not afraid to explore other peoples opinions.

    Have you got a book of satanic code words that you have referenced the origional words of the song to or have you just decided in your own mind that they mean what you think they do?

    As for the image on the front the album, well you see people who don't believe in your God also don't believe in your satan. Poking fun at the very idea that such a mythical monster exists has always been a part of ac/dc songs.

    Fortunately people like myself are more concerned about the realities of life and the horrible evil ways of countries like the USA who spend billions on wars to kill innocent people instesd of feeding starving children in Africa, america gets fat while children die and just for good measure they murder even more. A current situation is where the cia report that there are no nucleur weapons in Iran but I bet it wont be long before the american government kills children in Iran regardless of the facts from their own intelligence agency.

    The greatest thing a god believer like you can find time to do in the face of such tyrany is twisting words of a song to spout religeous noncence. Try reading other peoples opinions once in a while and you will understand why it was neither stupid or a waste of my time to read yours even though I dont agree with them. Thanfully I live in a country where true freedom of speech exists and I can read other peoples opinions without replying with anger like you have.

    1. Boy, Mr. Anonymous, you sure covered a lot of ground in one comment... and, I'll try to address most of it.

      First off, I never once got angry, or replied in anger. Why would I? Moreover, my own responses were: Readily Verifiable, Completely To The Point, Factually Accurate, and Displayed Totally No Emotion At All!

      To call ' A Repetitive Action [ which yields the very same results ] ' stupid; is not the same thing as calling A Person stupid. But, once again, you choose to judge me from your own preconceived notions. Oh well... so what, I'm used to it!

      As for your own personal opinion of AC/DC's True Ideological Purposes, regarding their own Satanic Songs and Artwork, it is duly noted. If you don't believe in ' The Reality Of Evil ', then such a statement is perfectly logical!

      That, being the case, I have no further need to respond. I'm not here to: " Convince Horses That Water Exists ", but to: " Lead Them To The Water That They, Themselves, Simply Cannot Find ". I do believe, that this personal statement is entirely self-explanatory... but, let me know if it isn't.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Bear in mind, that I generally answer any scriptural questions within 24 hours or less.