Friday, August 12, 2011

America In Prophecy has been blessed by Yahweh, The Mighty One.

Current Statistics for America In Prophecy.
First off, I would like to thank our Four Loyal Followers and Eight Current Subscribers for reading and subscribing to this End Time Prophecy Website. Although America In Prophecy is still quite new, and without much of a track record up to this point, you have stuck by me through thick and thin... and I very much appreciate it. Thank you, very much!

Since I started America In Prophecy - just three months ago - it has gone from receiving no traffic at all, to virtually quadrupling its readership every single month. Nor, is this just visitors from Entrecard looking for a few easy credits; but genuine readers searching for The Truth of Yahweh's Scriptures. Meanwhile, one of my greatest surprises has been our recent upgrade to a Page Rank of 2 from Google. For all these blessings and more, " May Yahweh, The Mighty One, be praised! "

While I cover some Very Sensitive and Controversial Topics at America In Prophecy, as many of you have noted in your own comments, The Sacred Scriptures are what they are; and I, myself, didn't write them. It has been written, that: " The Word Of Yahweh cuts sharper than any double-edged sword... " and this is literally true. Particularly, for those, who've ordered their own spiritual lives by living in complete opposition to Him! As you all know, I will neither: apologize, nor make excuses for This Very Simple Truth.

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's: Love and Peace - be upon you!


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