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Current Statistics for America In Prophecy. |
Since I started America In Prophecy - just three months ago - it has gone from receiving no traffic at all, to virtually quadrupling its readership every single month. Nor, is this just visitors from Entrecard looking for a few easy credits; but genuine readers searching for The Truth of Yahweh's Scriptures. Meanwhile, one of my greatest surprises has been our recent upgrade to a Page Rank of 2 from Google. For all these blessings and more, " May Yahweh, The Mighty One, be praised! "
While I cover some Very Sensitive and Controversial Topics at America In Prophecy, as many of you have noted in your own comments, The Sacred Scriptures are what they are; and I, myself, didn't write them. It has been written, that: " The Word Of Yahweh cuts sharper than any double-edged sword... " and this is literally true. Particularly, for those, who've ordered their own spiritual lives by living in complete opposition to Him! As you all know, I will neither: apologize, nor make excuses for This Very Simple Truth.
Ahava and Shalom.
May Yahweh's: Love and Peace - be upon you!

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