Sunday, September 30, 2012

Believe it or not, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is A Mnemonical Key to your own personal salvation!

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
Of All Our Traditional Children's Songs, the extremely infective lyrics of: " John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt " - actually seem to possess a life of their own. In fact, one single person in an adequately crowded room can rapidly infect everyone with: Its Very Simple and [ yet ] Always Enjoyable Lyrics... and, indeed, very quickly filling that room with laughter! What is it about This Extremely Contagious Song... and, quite frankly, What On Earth Does It Honestly Mean?

Just, Consider Those Very Catchy Lyrics:
" John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name too. Whenever we go out [ to: A Little Dinner and A Movie - for, an obvious example... ], the people always shout: ' There Goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt '! "

While I have long noted The Blatantly Mnemonic Nature of: " John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt " - until recently, however, I never personally gave it much thought... but, that's all changing now, since I started examining The True Meanings Of All Our Own Names! After its own short video, let's just examine them closer. You might just be glad that you did....

America In Prophecy

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt - by: 
An Unknown Lyricist.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Since 1963, we've all been wondering: " Who Is Doctor Who " - that: Mysterious Doctor, and Magnanimous Timelord... but, are we ready for the answer?

Doctor Who - The Time Lord.
One of the most successful shows upon television is The British Broadcasting Corporation's: " Doctor Who? " - which first aired in November Of 1963 and [ as of this posting ] is still going quite strong. Meanwhile, of course, for a television show Whose Own Main Character Has Never Had His True Name Revealed - this is simply astonishing! While He has been commonly referred to as: " The Doctor ", " The Mysterious Doctor ", and/or " The Time Lord " - very little is actually known about this Highly-Interesting Mythological Character. In fact, his entire existence is ' An Ongoing Puzzle Wrapped Within An Enigma '... indeed, it all seems very strange.

Doctor Who - eventually defeats: " Satan "?
While Doctor Who has been: " The Continual Savior Of Humanity " - from: Daleks, Cybermen, The Master Architect, and [ even ] Satan Himself - we know so very little about The Mysterious Doctor that it isn't even funny! In fact, it's almost as if the writers [ themselves ] don't honestly know it... and, of course, The Ongoing Mystery Is All Part Of His Own Interesting Allure! So, precisely who is: " Doctor Who "... and, exactly, Why Does He Keep Rescuing Humanity?

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
Doctor Who Is Michael The Archangel... and, if you'll take the time to just watch The Following Short Video [ entitled ]: " Doctor Who Meets Satan " - you'll begin to honestly understand, what it is that I'm talking about! In fact, to my own personal way of thinking, The Real Mystery is: " Why You Haven't, Quite Honestly, Figured It Out For Yourselves " - after all, Doctor Who Himself Already Did....

America In Prophecy

Doctor Who Meets Satan [ 2006 ] - by: 
James Strong .

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Army Of Darkness is now all around us; and Ashley J. Williams is, " The Supplanter From The Ashes - Who Possesses: The Will, Desire, And Helmet Of Protection "!

Army Of Darkness - 1992.
In The Popular 1992 Movie: " Army Of Darkness " - directed by Sam Raimi [ which means: " He Who Listens To God And The Compassionate One Who Wears A Clean Garment " ] - we have been provided a much clearer understanding into The Classic Allegory: " A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court ". You see, dear brothers and sisters, Samuel Clemens [ " The One Who Listened To God - That: Gentle And Famous Bearer " ] had merely provided us with His Own Prophetical Vision - of Our Exciting Latter Day Events. Not so surprisingly, however, you'll soon find out that you're: " Those Primitive Screw Heads "... while, The Archangel Michael [ Himself ] is: " That 20th Century Guy " - being mentioned, within this Spiritual Allegory!

In Fact, The Prophet Daniel Put It This Way:
" At That Time [ The Time Of The End ], Michael [ The Archangel Himself ] Shall Stand Up [ While Already Living Among You ], The Great Prince [ The One Long Ago Appointed By Yahweh ] who stands watch [ Continuously Down Through The Ages ] over the sons of your people [ The True People Of: Israel and Judah ];
And [ You Can Count Upon This ], There Shall Be A Time Of Trouble, Such As Never Was, Since There Was Any Nation; Even Unto That Time.
And [ Following This Factual Occurrence ] At That Time [ In The Earth's Final Days ] Your People Shall Be Delivered [ From Their Unwarranted Service To Lucifer ], Everyone who is found written in the book [ The Mighty One's Own Book Of Life ]. " - Daniel 12:1-3

Jacob Sully literally means: " Israel's Keen Eye "!
I know, You Probably Don't Believe Me... therefore, without any further fanfare, let's just examine The Movie Trailer for: " Army Of Darkness " - to see, what it might factually show us... and afterward, as always, we'll examine it much closer. After all, we can find The True Knowledge Of Yahweh [ now ] all around us - when we: Just Open Our Own Eyes and Become Receptive To His Own Messages!

America In Prophecy

Army Of Darkness [ 1992 ] - by: 
Sam Raimi .

Saturday, September 22, 2012

In the popular movie: " Cowboys And Aliens " - we learn just a little more about Jake Lonergan [ The Sole True Dragon Of Israel ]....

Cowboys And Aliens - 2011.
In The Popular 2011 Movie: " Cowboys And Aliens " - directed by Jon Favreau [ which simply means: " God Has Graciously Provided The Forger Of Metal " ] - we have been provided A Prophetical Allegory of our own upcoming events. After all, Jake Lonergan is: " The Sole True Dragon Of Israel " - known as Michael The Archangel... and, He Is Now Preparing To Stand Up - just as, those Prophetical Scriptures have so long ago assured to you!

Daniel Chapter 12, Plainly Says:
" At That Time [ The Time Of The End ], Michael [ The Archangel Himself ] Shall Stand Up [ While Already Living Among You ], The Great Prince [ The One Long Ago Appointed By Yahweh ] who stands watch [ Continuously Down Through The Ages ] over the sons of your people [ The True People Of: Israel and Judah ];
And [ You Can Count Upon This ], There Shall Be A Time Of Trouble, Such As Never Was, Since There Was Any Nation; Even Unto That Time.
And [ Following This Factual Occurrence ] At That Time [ In The Earth's Final Days ] Your People Shall Be Delivered [ From Their Unwarranted Service To Lucifer ], Everyone who is found written in the book [ The Mighty One's Own Book Of Life ]. " - Daniel 12:1-3

Jake Lonergan is: " The Sole True Dragon Of Israel "!
What... don't, actually, believe me? Then, why not watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Cowboys And Aliens " - to see, exactly, what I'm now [ quite honestly ] talking about. After all, you just might be glad, that you did! As always, I'll explain further - after the movie trailer....

America In Prophecy

Cowboys And Aliens [ 2011 ] - by: Jon Favreau.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

King Kong isn't just any old monkey... in fact, He's: " The Sole True Ruler and Very Safe Harbor " - of Israel!

King Kong 2005 - movie poster.
In The Popular 2005 Movie: " King Kong " - directed by Peter Jackson [ which simply means: " The Stone and The Son Whom God Has Provided " ] - we are witnessing far more than just another interesting story... in fact, believe it or not, it's actually a carefully scripted Prophetical Allegory! You see, dear brothers and sisters, we're now living upon The Planet Of The Apes... and, that very strong and towering figure, being referred to as: " King Kong [ or, " The Sole True Ruler and Very Safe Harbor " ] " - is, quite honestly: Yahweh's Own Second Son and The Prince Of His Covenant! Meanwhile, that frightening Tyrannosaurus Rex attempting to eat Miss Darrow is, of course, symbolical of Lucifer himself.

Curious George - can always learn something new!
I know, I know... You Don't Believe Me, right? Well then, why not just simply humor me, by watching The Following Movie Trailer for: " King Kong "; and then [ quite honestly ] considering its very own interesting analysis. In fact, who knows, you might just be glad that you did....

America In Prophecy

King Kong [ 2005 ] - by: Peter Jackson.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Curious George is: " The Inquisitive Worker Upon Earth "; and The Man With The Big Yellow Hat is actually His Own Father!

Curious George - 2006.
Since Children Come In All Different: Ages, Shapes, and Sizes - our own Prophetical Allegories have included numerous ones geared entirely towards The Very Youngest Of Us. Take for instance, The Popular Children's Story of: " Curious George " - directed by Mathew O'Callaghan [ which simply means: " The Gift From God: War And Strife " ] - and, which specifically refers to: " The Trouble, That George Invariably Causes "! And, most particularly, Whenever He Learns Something New....

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
And, how do I know this? Well, dear brothers and sisters, I'm That Particular George! What... don't, believe me? Well then, why not just watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Curious George " - to understand exactly what it is that I'm talking about? You might just be glad, that you did. After all, I'm Actually A Very-Inquisitive Monkey....

America In Prophecy

Curious George [ 2006 ] - by: Matthew O'Callaghan.

Monday, September 17, 2012

In the popular movie: " Ground Hog Day " - by Harold Ramis - I, actually, Looked Up and Saw My Own Shadow!

Groundhog Day - 1993.
In The Popular 1993 Movie: " Ground Hog Day " - directed by Harold Ramis [ " The Army Commander And The Son Who Is A Very Pleasing Branch " ] - we are witnessing a very important Prophetical Allegory... because, believe it or not, it's actually The Story Of Adam - that very first human being - who was separated from Michael [ His Own Spiritual Self ] through His Original Sin. But, to get back where he started from: " He Had To Make A Complete Amends " - for, That One Highly-Unfortunate Mistake!

O', The Joys Of Living In Hollywood!
In the meantime, however, He's Already Had Numerous Personal Lifetimes - in order to learn His Necessary Spiritual Lessons... and, you might as well now just face it, " The Groundhog Has, Finally, Seen His Own Shadow "! Ergo, you may [ now fully expect ] Another Six More Weeks Of Winter....

After All, The Scriptures Have Already Warned You:
" At That Time [ The Time Of The End ], Michael [ The Archangel Himself ] Shall Stand Up [ While Already Living Among You ], The Great Prince [ The One Long Ago Appointed By Yahweh ] who stands watch [ Continuously Down Through The Ages ] over the sons of your people [ The True People Of: Israel and Judah ];
And [ You Can Count Upon This ], There Shall Be A Time Of Trouble, Such As Never Was, Since There Was Any Nation; Even Unto That Time.
And [ Following This Factual Occurrence ] At That Time [ In The Earth's Final Days ] Your People Shall Be Delivered [ From Their Unwarranted Service To Lucifer ], Everyone who is found written in the book [ The Mighty One's Own Book Of Life ]. " - Daniel 12:1-3

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
What... don't, honestly, believe me? Then, why not watch The Following Movie Trailer for: " Groundhog Day " - to see, exactly, what I'm talking about... and, then we'll truthfully examine it even closer....

America In Prophecy

Ground Hog Day [ 1993 ] - by: Harold Ramis.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

In: " The Illusionist " - we witness Eisenheim [ the one spoken of by, The Iron Mountain ], aka Eduard Abramovich: The Protector Of Wealth and That Faithful Son Of Adam!

The Illusionist - 2006.
In The Popular 2006 Movie: " The Illusionist " - directed by Neil Burger [ which simply means: " One From The City Of The Nail " ] - we are witnessing A Magnificent Love Story between: Eisenheim [ " The One Spoken Of By The Iron Mountain " ] and Sophie Von Teschen [ " The Lady Of Wisdom Who Safely Navigates The True Corner " ]... and, like most of these prophetical allegories, The Actual Audience Is Seldom Any Wiser! It's actually quite a pity, really... if they only knew, who Eduard Abramovich [ " The Protector Of Wealth And That Faithful Son Of Adam " ] was, then many more of them might have been rescued.... 

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
Alas, Sophie didn't even recognize Eisenheim [ herself ] in the very beginning - even though, she carried his own picture, In Her Most Precious Locket, for the majority of Her Highly-Spiritual Life. Fortunately, however, for the rest of the audience: " The Illusionist " - can never truthfully forget her! In fact, believe it or not, She's The Main Reason That He Came Here....

America In Prophecy

The Illusionist [ 2006 ] - by: Neil Burger.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Independence Day is a prophetical allegory... and, Captain Steven Hiller and David Levinson are The True Stars Of This Show!

Independence Day - 1996.
In The Blockbuster 1996 Movie: " Independence Day " - starring Will Smith [ " The One With: The Will, Desire, And Helmet Of Protection - Who Forges In The Fire " ] - we have been provided an allegorical glimpse into Our Own Upcoming Future! You see, dear brothers and sisters, All Of Our Own Visions And Dreams have been truthfully provided by: " The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus "... and, it is He [ Yahweh, The Mighty One ] who pulls all of our own strings....

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
What? Don't believe me? Then why not watch The Movie Trailer for: " Independence Day " - directed by Roland Emmerich [ " The Famous Country - Of His Own: Work And Ruler " ] - to understand exactly, what it is that I'm talking about....

America In Prophecy

Independence Day [ 1996 ] - by: Roland Emmerich.

Monday, September 10, 2012

In the popular movie: " Adjustment Bureau " - David Norris is The Beloved One Who Has Migrated From The North!

Adjustment Bureau - 2011.
In The Popular 2011 Movie: " Adjustment Bureau " - starring Matt Damon [ " The Gift From God - The Constant And Loyal One " ] - we have been provided a magnificent opportunity To See Far Beyond The Magical Curtain! In fact, if you'll open your own eyes, You'll Factually Begin To Understand Those Prophetical Scriptures....

For Instance, Where It Says:
" For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Therefore Take Up The Whole Armor Of God, That You May Be Able To Withstand In The Evil Day, And Having Done All, To Stand. " - Ephesians 6:12-13.

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
What... Don't, Believe Me? Then why not watch The Popular Movie: " Adjustment Bureau " - to see what it is, that I'm factually talking about! You just might be glad, that you did....

America In Prophecy

Adjustment Bureau [ 2011 ] - by: George Nolfi.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Malibu Sun Lens is: " Modern Sun Worship " - in the cutesy form of an App!

The Utter Foolishness of: Israel and Judah!
Apparently, The Forces Of Lucifer Are Now Working Overtime - in their own ongoing efforts towards establishing His Own Future Kingdom. In fact, they even sent me [ Jeshurun, The True Prophet ] an advertisement link to Their Own Favorite New App: " Malibu Sun Lens " - and, indeed, How Magnanimous Of Them To Factually Do So! I would probably have never found it without their own factual assistance... since, I'm No Longer: Interested In, nor Actively Looking For - such ignorant things....

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
However, I'm [ quite honestly ] not above utilizing their own Ongoing Spiritual Mistakes - such as: " Malibu Sun Lens " - completely against them. After all, I thoroughly do enjoy, having some fun At Their Own Personal Expense! Therefore, without any further ado, why not just watch Their Own Foolhardy App Video....

America In Prophecy

Malibu Sun Lens [ thanks to ]: FuelMyBlog.

Sherlock Holmes: " The Detective Who Is A Safe Haven " - is The True Master of Null-A Logical Thinking!

Sherlock Holmes 2009 - on DVD.
In The Blockbuster 2009 Movie: " Sherlock Holmes " - directed by Guy Ritchie [ which simply means: " The Man - Who Is A Powerful And Strong Ruler " ] - we are witnessing one of numerous Prophetical Allegories pertaining to: Michael [ The Archangel ] and Adam [ The Very First Human ]... and, while They've Been Physically Separated For Thousands Of Years, the time of: " The Ghost Rider " - has now [ finally ] come!

What, don't believe me? Then why not just watch The Following Movie Trailer for:
It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
" Sherlock Holmes " - starring Robert Downey Jr. [ " The: Bright And Famous One - The Dweller At The Hill - The One True Son " ] - to see, exactly, what I'm talking about. In fact, who knows, you might just be glad, that you did? I know, That I Certainly Was....

America In Prophecy

Sherlock Holmes [ 2009 ] - by: Guy Ritchie.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In the popular movie: " Phenomenon " - we are being formally introduced to George Malley [ or, The Worker Upon Earth ]....

Phenomenon 1996 - movie poster.
As difficult as it may be to believe, In The Popular Movie: " Phenomenon " - directed by Jon Turteltaub [ which means: " God Has Provided The Turtle Dove " ( in Austrian ) ] - we're actually witnessing A Prophetical Allegory... and, I'm [ truthfully ] Its Main Character Of George Malley! You see, dear brothers and sisters: I've Already Seen The Light, and Have Factually Begun Changing... and, for better or worse, The Entire World Will Eventually Notice Me... since, I'm Tired Of All Their: Foolish Secrets And Dangerous Deceptions.

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
The World Doesn't Need: Better Inventions, or Superior Fertilizers... but, rather, It Needs To Know The Honest Truth... and, you had better begin to face it, George Malley [ " The Worker On Earth - A: Powerful One, Nobleman, And Prince " ] is going to give it to them! Don't believe me, then why not watch The Following 1996 Movie Trailer for: " Phenomenon "; to see exactly what it is, that I'm talking about....

America In Prophecy

Phenomenon [ 1996 ] - by: Jon Turteltaub.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In: " O Brother, Where Art Thou " - we learn a very great deal from The Life Of Ulysses Everett McGill!

O Brother, Where Art Thou?
In The Popular Movie: " O Brother Where Art Thou " - directed by The Coen Brothers [ which means: " The Two Priests " ] - we have been provided a glimpse into The Life Of Ulysses Everett McGill [ " The Solitary Walker: Strong As A Boar And The Son Of A Foreigner " ]... and, while: " He Was Born And Raised In Old Kentucky "which, in Native American, actually means both: " The Meadowlands ( Where We All Started Out ) ", and " The Dark And Bloody Ground ( Of Our Own Historical Past ) " - and yet, in the current context of America, only one of his parents was born there! The one, who was [ also ] descended from Those Native Americans. Meanwhile, of course, This Story Too Is A Prophetical Allegory.

It's just like Tony Liar says: " Voilla...! "
You see, dear brothers and sisters: while the majority of you were still spiritually sleeping, Ulysses McGill Was Beginning To Wake Up... and, as the legendary radio commentator - Paul Harvey - would, probably, explain it: " You'll Soon Know, The Rest Of His Story "! Don't, believe me? Then, why not watch The Movie Trailer [ for ]: " O Brother Where Art Thou "; and see what I'm, truthfully, talking about....

America In Prophecy

O Brother Where Art Thou [ 2000 ] - by: Joel and Ethan Coen.