Answer: Perhaps, the greatest of all tragedies in our own modern life is the societal focus upon: Narrowly Minded Thinking, Educational/Field Specialization, and The Ongoing Discouragement To Communication Across Platforms. For instance, there are indeed many who delve very deeply into: Science, Religion, and Magic - inspecting all of the fundamental building blocks so cleverly involved - but, whenever those interesting connections are always indeed found, there are precisely three things that happen.
- The Scientist who discovers it, is strongly encouraged ( or, even, threatened ) to keep it to himself...
- The Theologian who philosophically ponders it, is strongly advised ( or, even, threatened ) to publicly remain silent...
- And, The True Student Of Meta-Science who discovers a way to actually harness such valuable knowledge, will keep it a secret to the detriment of everyone else.
In fact, throughout all of human history, these three competing groups have shared one common: Motive, Opportunity, and Intent - with respect towards An Ongoing And Systematic Suppression Of The Truth... and, even more importantly, we can now perceive through looking backwards; exactly why they ( so truthfully ): Persecuted and ( quite frequently ) Murdered - millions of decent individuals, to ultimately silence them.