
Prophetic Timeline

One of the greatest tragedies to come out of Christianity's Failure to fully embrace its Old Testament Roots, is their thoroughly narrowed focus upon The New Testament Scriptures. While The New Testament does, in fact, speak about: " The End Times " - it does so [only] in the vaguest of perceptive generalities. It was never intended to provide ' The Definitive Answers '...  but rather, to provide The Necessary ' KEYS ', which would unlock The Old Testament Prophecies! Of course, Judaism is no better off - since they [themselves] have rejected these keys....

Fortunately, some of you are now waking up... and this Prophetic Timeline will hopefully assist you into much greater Biblical Understanding.

The Prophetic Timeline - According To Scripture:

1900 - Beginning The New Century.
" People shall travel to and fro; and knowledge shall greatly increase. " - Daniel 12:4.
  1. A specific reference to: The Zionist Movement - Jeremiah 16:16 [ The Fishermen ].
  2. A specific reference to: The Missionary Movement - Mathew 24:14 [ The Gospel ].
  3. A general  reference to: The Methods and Frequency Of Human Travel.
  4. A specific reference to: Our Understanding Of The Scriptures - Daniel 12:9 [ The Unsealing ].
  5. A general  reference to: Our Rapid Scientific Advancement. 
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The First Signpost [ or Mile-Marker ].
" And you will hear of ' Wars ' and ' Rumors Of Wars '. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but The End is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be: Famines, Pestilences, and Earthquakes in various places. All these are ' The Beginning Of Sorrows '. " - Mathew 24:6-8.

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1914 - World War I { The First Seal of Revelation }.
" Now I saw when The Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, ' Come and see. ' And I looked, and behold, A White Horse. And he who sat upon it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. " - Revelation 6:1-2.

The American Lines in World War I.
World War I began with The Assassination of Crowned Prince Francis Ferdinand of Austria. The House of Hapsburg - whose family crest includes ' The Lipizanner Stallion ' - was justifiably outraged, by this politically unwarranted atrocity. But war with Serbia would lead to war with Russia - a much larger and more threatening enemy. However, Germany came to their rescue, by offering them ' Carte Blanche '... and the rest is now history.

1939 - World War II. { The Second Seal of Revelation }
" When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, ' Come and see. ' And another Horse, Fiery Red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat upon it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. " - Revelation 6:2-3.

The German Invasion of Caen.
As noted by most world historians, World War II was significantly different than any other previous war. Not because of the physical scales involved; but rather, The Continuous German Failure to take any real advantage of their Highly-Valuable Strategic Opportunities - throughout the entire length of the conflict. As many of them noted, Adolf Hitler seemed far more intent upon Total European Destruction, than in actually conquering an empire. From: The Battle of Dunkirk, to The Battle for Britain, and to The Russian Invasion - German Forces were constantly: Misused, Misdirected, and Misallocated by their misguided Fuhrer.

1941 - The Final Solution. { Jeremiah 16:16 Fishermen and Hunters }
" Behold, I will send for Many Fishermen [ The Zionists ], Says The Mighty One, and they shall fish them [ The Tribe of Judah ]; and afterward I will send for Many Hunters [ The Anti-Semites ], and they shall hunt them - from every mountain, and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. " - Jeremiah 16:16.

The "Arbeit Macht Frei" Gate - Auschwitz.
While ' Anti-Semitism ' had always been a problem for The Children of Judah in Europe and elsewhere, The NAZI's carefully and calculatingly cultivated this phenomenon for their own nefarious purposes. First, to conceal their own False Flag Attacks against The German People... Second, to provide themselves Inexpensive Slave Labor... And Finally, to generate necessary Financial Wealth through the seizure of their Jewish: Resources, Properties, Assets, etc.... Ultimately, The Final Solution was devised to conceal these heinous crimes against humanity.

1945 - America [ Latter Day Tyre ] Announces Its Presence.
" He preforms great signs, so that ' he even makes fire come down from heaven upon the earth - in the sight of men ' [ Hiroshima and Nagasaki ]. And he deceives those who dwell upon the earth - by those signs , which he was granted to do In The Sight Of [ Under The Watchful Eye Of ] The Beast [ Babylon The Great ], telling those who dwell upon the earth [ Heralding A Specific Message For All Nations ] to make an image to the beast [ To Form Their Own Continental Unions ] who was wounded by the sword and yet lived [ Babylon The Great, aka The European Union ]. " - Revelation 13:13-14. 

The Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan.
On August 6, 1945, The United States of America dropped the first of Two Atomic Weapons over the skies of Hiroshima, Japan... and Nagasaki. Due to the alarming destructive capacity of these newly devised weapons, The Japanese quickly surrendered; and World War II came to an end. Of course, America also gained the tremendous military prestige that came from such Technological Advantage... and was quickly elevated to its prophesied leadership role. This is precisely what its budding new leadership was hoping for....

1945 - America [ Latter Day Tyre ] Becomes ' The False Prophet '.
" Now it shall come to pass in that day [ 573 BC ] that Tyre will be forgotten for 70 years [ 2520 Prophetic Days ] according to days of one king [ Nebuchadnezzar ]. At the end of 70 years [ 573 BC + 2520 Years ] it will happen to Tyre - as in the song of The Harlot: 'Take a harp, go about the city, You forgotten harlot; Make sweet melody , sing many songs, That you may be remembered.' And it shall be, at the end of 70 years [ 1945 AD ], that The Mighty One will visit Tyre. She will return to her pay, and commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world on the face of the earth. " - Isaiah 23:15-17.

The United Nations Building in New York
The United Nations was founded, by The United States of America, in 1946 - in order to prevent future military conflicts among the world's nations. They also created: The Breton-Woods Agreement [ pegging all other currencies to The United States Dollar ], NATO [ to ensure appropriate military hegemony over The Atlantic Ocean ], The Marshall Plan [ to rebuild and restructure Europe and Asia ], SEATO [ to ensure strategic control over Southeast Asia ], and then they appointed themselves as ' The World's Military Policeman ' - in order to personally administrate all of these very same treaties. Moreover, they have retained This Singular Role for themselves - ever since. The Earth, had finally, created its own Political Savior....

    1947 - The Cold War [ First Rumored War ] Begins.
    " And you will hear of ' Wars ' and [ Then ] ' Rumors Of Wars '.... " - Mathew 24:6.

    1948 - Judah Is Re-Established In The Holy Land.
    " Before she travailed, she gave birth; Before her pain came, She delivered a male child. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or, shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, She gave birth to her children. Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery, says Yahweh? Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb, says Your Mighty One? " - Isaiah 66:7-9.

      On May 14th, 1948, The Nation Of Israel was born. Whereas other nations have had to historically fight - in order to obtain their New Found Freedom - Israel was born without any political travail. Instead, their troubles began almost immediately afterwards. Thus, fulfilling this prophecy, exactly, to the letter... and this one, is ' A Very Important Prophecy! ' How so? It's Yahshua's own Scripturally-Verifiable Signpost and Milemarker.

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      The Second Signpost [ or Mile-Marker ].
      " Now learn this parable from ' The Fig Tree ' [ The Land Of Israel ]: When its branch has already become tender [ Judah Has Been Regathered ] and puts forth leaves [ Politically Establishes Itself ], you know that ' Summer ' is near [ You Are Almost Halfway Through These End Time Prophecies ]. So you also, when you see all of these things [ They Are Now Happening ], know that it [ The Day Of Yahweh's Judgment ] is near, at the very doors. Assuredly, I say to you, that this generation [ Those Living At This Time ] will by no means pass away until all of these things are fulfilled. " - Mathew 24:32-34.
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      1991 - America [ The False Prophet ] Announces: The ' New World Order '.
      " He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. " - Revelation 13:15.

      America In Prophecy

      George Bush I Announces 'The New World Order'.

      1992 - The Maastricht Treaty And European Union [ ' Babylon The Great ' Is Reborn ].
      " But the angel said to me, ' Why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast that you saw: Was [ In The Beginning ], and is not [ Throughout Most Of Earth's History ], and Will Ascend Out Of The Bottomless Pit [ In The End Time Period ]; and Will Go To Perdition [ Be Destroyed At The End Of That Time ]. And those who dwell upon the earth will marvel - whose names are not written in The Book Of Life from the foundation of the world - when they see: The Beast That Was, And Is Not, and Yet Is. ' " - Revelation 17:7-8.

      The European Union Poster.
      With The Signing Of The Maastricht Treaty, The European Union was formed on February 7th, 1992. According to The International Community, this was ' The Final Culmination ' of decades of earnest political effort. However, according to The Sacred Scriptures, the true effort started shortly after: " The Scattering of Ancient Babylon ". Personally, given the rest of these prophecies, I'm more inclined to honestly believe The Scriptures! But, ultimately, you must decide for yourself....

      2001 - The War Upon Terror [ Second Rumored War ] Begins.
      " And you will hear of ' Wars ' and [ Then ] ' Rumors Of Wars '.... " - Mathew 24:6.

      2007 - The Financial Collapse. { The Third Seal of Revelation }

      " When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ' Come and see. ' And I looked, and behold, A Black Horse, and he who sat upon it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, 'A Quart Of Wheat [ One Loaf of Bread ] for A Denarius [ A Day's Labor ], and Three Quarts Of Barley for A Denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine. ' " - Revelation 6:5-6.

      America In Prophecy

      The Worldwide Financial Collapse - Gerald Celente.

      Unlike the first two seals of Revelation, The Third Seal isn't a war; it's A Massively Orchestrated and Systemic Worldwide Financial Collapse - designed to usher in their: " One World Financial System. "
      However, Yahweh will use their own weapons against them - by completely crashing their system at the key and pivotal juncture of its preplanned transition. The suffering thus generated will bring much unwanted attention to those who are covertly manipulating These Worldwide Events.

      While The World Economy has already begun to get very difficult for many, the worst of it is still one to three years away! Those in: " The Affluent Western Democracies " - will suffer along with their highly impoverished neighbors... prices for everything will soar to unprecedented historic levels... the basic necessities of: Food, Clothing, and Shelter will be obtained only through great efforts... and due to ' The Hyperinflation Of Numerous International Currencies ', bartering with Gold and Silver will become commonplace occurrences. 

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      The Third Signpost [ or Mile-Marker ]
      " But concerning The Times [ The Eight Spiritual Ages of His People ] and The Seasons [ These Long-Prophesied Events ], bretheren, you have no need that I should write to you [ It's All, In The Scriptures ]. For you yourselves know perfectly that ' The Day Of The Mighty One ' so comes as a thief in the night [ No One Can Tell You, The Exact Date ]. For when they say, ' Peace and Safety! ' then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape [ For They Are Ignorant Of The Scriptures ]. But You, bretheren, are not in darkness [ You Have Diligently Studied These Things For Yourselves ], so that This Day [ Yahweh's Appointed Day Of Destruction ] should overtake You [ Who Are: So Diligent And Highly Observant ] as a thief [ Unexpectedly ]. " - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4.
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      America In Prophecy

      For When They Say 'Peace and Safety' - a Youtube video.

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      The 2011 Prophesies - That Occurred This Past Year.
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      1. Trouble Began In The Kingdom(s) Of Egypt.
      2. The Entire Mississippi River Overflowed Its Banks.
      3. Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami - America Evacuated Japan.
      4. Devastating Storms Struck America's Bible Belt.
      5. Drought, Raging Fires, and Hail Storms: Hit The Desert Southwest.
      6. The American Space Program Has Now Ended.
      7. Natural Disasters Struck The Entire United States.
      8. Demonstrations And Protests Began In America.
      9. Civil Unrest In England. 
      10. Massive Unexplained Animal Deaths - Began Worldwide.
      11. The Worldwide Trumpeting Phenomenon.
      2011 Destruction In The Bible Belt.
      As you are most certainly now aware, These 2011 Prophesies have factually occurred. In fact, I predicted some of them in advance - based solely upon The Scriptures... for instance: The Great Mississippi Flood, The Storms Within The Bible Belt, The Increasing Political Demonstrations, and The Natural Disasters That Afflicted The United States. Moreover, These Ongoing Natural Disasters will even continue Into 2012 And Beyond - since, they are currently being provided To Wake Israel Up Spiritually!

      Wildfires In The Desert Southwest.
      However, I [ honestly ] missed others... like: The Troubles In Egypt and The Japanese Earthquake And Tsunami - until immediately after their occurrences. After all, I wasn't really looking for them specifically... since, my own focus was just then solely upon The United States Of America. Moreover, my various blog postings will clearly confirm ' The Truth ' of these statements. Feel free to check My Other Blog Sites and verify these facts.

      2011 English Riots [ Trouble in Sidon ].
      In fact, this particular site is still relatively new; and is [ merely ] the result of these ongoing Prophetical Discoveries! You will notice, that my first article at America In Prophecy wasn't even posted until May 2011. I spent All Of April, just building The Static Pages [ The Prophetic Timeline, This Page, etc... ].

      Brothers and sisters, they are now all saying: " Peace and Safety " - and that long prophesied ' Sudden Destruction ' will soon be upon them.... Will it claim you also? Or, are your own eyes now beginning to open? Only you know the answer to that question.

      Ahava and Shalom.

      May Yahweh's: Love and Peace - be upon you!