
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Biblicist - In Review. How well do they compare to America In Prophecy?

A slightly modified graphic from ' The '
While once again examining Our SEO Rankings, I stumbled across The - which has been listed by Ask Custom Search for the very same search terms as ' America In Prophecy. ' Consequently, I couldn't help but to see what they themselves had to say about: " The United States Of America In End Time Prophecy. " Meanwhile, The Following Snippet is An Exact Quotation from their own personally available information.... 

" Is America In Bible Prophecy? 
by Thomas Ice

No one disputes the fact that America has a unique history during which it became, and continues to be a preeminent feature in global affairs. The recent war in Iraq is but one example. In a quarter of a millennium it has become a nation unlike any other nation in the history of the world. In some respects, it rivals nations with much longer histories. Yet the Bible is remarkably silent when speaking about the role of America in Bible prophecy. Dr. Tim LaHaye writes, "One of the hardest things for American prophecy students to accept is that the United States is not clearly mentioned in Bible prophecy, yet our nation is the only superpower in the world today." [1]

Dr. LaHaye has put his finger upon the source that likely generates the often ask question, "How does America fit into Bible prophecy?" Rarely, if ever, does anyone ask, "How does Mexico, or Canada, or Chile fit into Bible prophecy?" The United States has a strong Christian heritage and is currently the world's only superpower. Since many Christians believe that we are near the end of the age, it is hard to envision a prophetic scenario which excludes America- the world's most influential nation. Yet, other nations are the focus of biblical prophecy. 

America Will Be Included With The Nations
There are no specific references to the United States in Bible prophecy. However, there are biblical statements about what the nations in general will be doing during the tribulation period. Passages like Haggai 2:6-7, Isaiah 66:18-20, and Zechariah 12:2-3 speak of all the nations involved in end-time events. These kinds of references clearly will include the United States in their fulfillment, but they do not teach us anything specifically about America in prophecy. "

- A Direct Quotation, from The - one of many Highly-Ranked Online Information Sources

Dr. Tim LaHaye.
One of the first things I noticed about The was its continuous references to Dr. Tim LaHaye throughout their website. Apparently, they consider Dr. LaHaye to be something of a: Scriptural and Theological Authority! Meanwhile, you might remember Dr. LaHaye from his Best Selling Religious Fiction: " The Left Behind Series " - which is, indeed, very entertaining reading... but, a pretty poor excuse for Biblical Theology.

Dr. LaHaye is a very popular Evangelical Minister and Author - who: Firmly Believes In, Actively Promotes, and Strongly Advocates: " The Pre-Tribulational Rapture. " Which, in my own personal opinion, is: " The Greatest Spiritual Deception Of All Time! " Not only is the word ' Rapture ' completely missing from The Entire Biblical Cannon, but the very concept of it actually flies up in the face of All The Prophets - who have written extensively upon our rapidly approaching: " Baptism By Fire. "

As Yahshua, Himself, Taught Us:
" Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them [ The Obedient Ones ], I will liken him to A Wise Man [ One Who Heeded The Scriptures ] and who built his house Upon The Rock [ The Truths That It Actually Teaches ]:
and The Rain Descended [ As Prophesied ], The Floods Came [ As Promised ], and The Winds Blew and Beat Upon That House [ As Fully Expected ]; and it did not fall, for it was founded Upon The Rock [ That Which Was Truly Written In The Pages Of Scripture ].
Now everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them [ The Disobedient Ones ], will be like A Foolish Man [ One Who Heeded His Own Delusions ] and who built his house Upon The Sand [ A Highly-Elusive Foundation ]:
and The Rain Descended [ As Prophesied ], The Floods Came [ As Promised ], and The Winds Blew and Beat Upon That House [ As I Clearly Warned You In Advance ]; and it fell [ He Was Unprepared For What Came ]. And great was its fall [ Since, He Never Recovered ]. " - Mathew 7:24-27.

The Point Of This Parable was that ' These End Time Events ' will inevitably occur; and that both: The Wise Men and Foolish Men will go through it together... and The Only Real Difference Between Them is the object of their own trust. While The Wise Ones will trust in The Scriptures, The Foolish Ones will trust in Their Own Personal Deceptions! Both of them heard ' His Teachings ', but only one of them truly listened....

A comparison with America In Prophecy.
Meanwhile, their personal quotation from Dr. Tim LaHaye - which states: " One of the hardest things for American prophecy students to accept is that the United States is not clearly mentioned in Bible prophecy, yet our nation is the only superpower in the world today. " - explains an awful lot about ' The '. Rather than searching The Scriptures, as Yahweh has commanded them to do, they are still looking towards: " Spiritual Babylon " - for All Of The Wrong Answers!

Meanwhile, America In Prophecy Offers You:

I hope, that you thoroughly enjoyed The Review.
{ *** Note: If and when, any of our competitors write something truly: Accurate, Timely, and Scriptural - about: America In Prophecy, or Any Other Nation - we'll gladly add them to Our Own Personal Blogroll... but, until then, it shall remain totally spam free.}
Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's: Love and Peace - be upon you!


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