
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Who is: The Lord Our Righteousness and The Restorer Of Israel?

What we can learn, if we'll open our eyes?
In The Book Of Jeremiah ( chapters 23 and 33 ), we can read about ' The One Who Eventually Restores Israel To Jerusalem '... and, while these are not the only scriptural references to Him, they are actually the only ones that provide His True Name!

Meanwhile, of course, that name is simply given as Yahweh Tzidkenu which equally means ( all of the following ):

Which, contrary to those false prophets and empty oracles of Spiritual Babylon, cannot possibly be referring to Yahweh Hushua which means ( any of the following ):

Who is that: " War Hammer & Space Marine "?
Why? Well, think about it.... There is something fundamentally different about: Hushua [ The Word ] and Tzidkenu [ The Voice ]. You see, dear brothers and sisters, ' The Word Is Definitively Passive '... while, in the very same way, ' The Voice Demands An Immediate Physical Response '.

And, you might as well face it folks, it's actually true what they say: " You Don't Send A Lamb Out To Do The Lion's Own Job "!

And, thus it has been long ago faithfully written:
" My Rod [ The Army Commander ] and My Staff [ The One True Shepherd ] - They [ The Two Of Them Together ] shall comfort you! "

Benjamin Holiday is: " My Son On Vacation ".
You see, dear brothers and sisters, Michael [ or, The One Who Is Like Unto God ] is: " That Child Who Forever More Will Lead Them "....

Ahava and Shalom.

May Yahweh's Own: Love and Peace - be continually upon you!


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