
Sunday, December 17, 2017

The real trouble with: " Pride " - is that it stands squarely in the pathway of Any True Spiritual Growth!

The Admonition Against Pride is, perhaps, one of the most recurrent themes within all of those biblical scriptures; yet, it is very seldom ever considered by anyone; and, particularly, from within all of those churches.

In fact, it never ceases to amaze me how every single church that I've ever personally visited among them is ( actually ): The One And Only True Church and Those With The Keys To His Kingdom - while, all of those others are just various other forms of: " Laodicea " and: " Spiritual Babylon "! 

And, yet, every single one of them suffers quite terribly from The Very Same Spiritual Problem....

Now, let's just consider The Dictionary Definition of: " Pride " - and, see, what it has to say:
" 1. an extremely high or inordinate opinion of one's own: Dignity, Importance, Merit, or Superiority - whether, as cherished in the mind; or as being displayed in the bearing, conduct, etc...
2. a feeling of deep pleasure or sense of personal self satisfaction derived from: One's Own Achievements, The Achievements Of Those With Whom One Feels Closely Associated, or From Qualities Or Possessions That Are Widely Admired By Others. "

They've, now, got it all Backwards!
So, in essence, what these two definitions are ( quite honestly ) telling us is that: ' Those Who Suffer From Pride Are No Longer Capable Of Any New Spiritual Growth, Since They Are Already So Far Above The Rest Of Us Mere Humans '... and, indeed, in their own eyes at least: They Already Have All Of The Answers and There Is No Longer Any Room For New Growth.

Which, of course, goes a long way toward explaining why, despite all of those scriptural exhortations otherwise, They Will Not Calmly Endure Listening To Any Of Us Others!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What does The Bible mean when it says: " All Of The Earth's Foundations Are Unstable "?

In Psalm 82 Verse 5, it ( very clearly ) says:
" They [ The People Who Actually Do Live There ] do not know, nor do They [ The Ones Who Have Now Undermined All Of These Necessary Structures ] understand; They [ The People Of The Earth ] walk about in darkness [ Having Learned Nothing At All From That Which Was Taught To Them ]All Of The Foundations Of The Earth Are Unstable. "
But, what are The Foundations Of The Earth... and, why are they ( now ) Increasingly Unstable?

According to The Actual Dictionary Definitions, the term: " Foundation " - refers, to all of the following:
" 1. The Lowest Load-Bearing Part Of A Building, that is often not readily visible, since it is typically found below ground level.
2. The Fundamental Basis ( such as: The Tenets, Overall Principles, or Belief Structures ) upon which something stands, or is currently supported.
3. The Body Of Ground upon which something has been built, or overlaid by others, at some previous period in time. "
Featuring: " Those Enemies Of God "....
And, consequently therefore, All Of The Earth's Foundations necessarily includes all of the various: Economic, Educational, CulturalFinancial, Historical, Political, Religious, Scientific, Sociological, and Spiritual Underpinnings - of our own modern society.

Perhaps, you should now ( quite honestly ) Think About It?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Who ( actually ) are those: " Three Blind Mice "... and, why are their tails cut off by The Butcher's Own Wife?

The Three Blind Mice - ( 1609 ).
In The Popular Children's Nursery Rhyme entitled: " The Three Blind Mice " - originally penned by an unknown author; and dated back to at least as far as 1609 - we have been provided Yet Another Important & Spiritual Message.

You see, dear brothers and sisters, ' Like In Most Of The Other Cleverly Worded Nursery Rhymes, Those Three Blind Mice Were Originally Symbolical In Nature '... not, that we might currently tell it: In Considering The Subtly Altered Lyrics Of Today and The Less Spiritually Incendiary Artwork Of Our Time.

But, of course, you probably still don't believe me. So, why not just listen to The Following Musical Video for: " The Three Blind Mice " -  because, whether you now understand it or not, You Might Just Be Glad That You Did....

America In Prophecy

The Three Blind Mice -
A Modern Version.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

What is The True Connection between: Science, Religion, and Magic... and, why is it so difficult for most of us to grasp?

Question: " What is The True Connection between: Science, Religion, and Magic... and, why is it so difficult for most of us to grasp "?

Answer: Perhaps, the greatest of all tragedies in our own modern life is the societal focus upon: Narrowly Minded Thinking, Educational/Field Specialization, and The Ongoing Discouragement To Communication Across Platforms. For instance, there are indeed many who delve very deeply into: Science, Religion, and Magic - inspecting all of the fundamental building blocks so cleverly involved - but, whenever those interesting connections are always indeed found, there are precisely three things that happen.
  1. The Scientist who discovers it, is strongly encouraged ( or, even, threatened ) to keep it to himself...
  2. The Theologian who philosophically ponders it, is strongly advised ( or, even, threatened ) to publicly remain silent...
  3. And, The True Student Of Meta-Science who discovers a way to actually harness such valuable knowledge, will keep it a secret to the detriment of everyone else.
Since, no matter what you might ( honestly ) believe to the contrary: " Knowledge Has Always Been The Very Real Basis For Power "... and, indeed, ' Hiding That Truth From The Rest Of Us Is How They All Hold On To That Power '!

In fact, throughout all of human history, these three competing groups have shared one common: Motive, Opportunity, and Intent - with respect towards An Ongoing And Systematic Suppression Of The Truth... and, even more importantly, we can now perceive through looking backwards; exactly why they ( so truthfully ): Persecuted and ( quite frequently ) Murdered - millions of decent individuals, to ultimately silence them. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

What is: " Worship In Spirit And In Truth "... and, what does that mean, for God's Own True People?

Question: " What does it mean to worship The Lord in spirit and truth "?

Answer: The concept of worshiping: “ In Spirit And In Truth ” - while, consistently, being referenced throughout all of the scriptures - has been most clearly presented in Jesus’ Conversation With The Woman At The Well in John 4:6-30. In that particular conversation, the woman was discussing places of worship with Jesus, saying that: The Jews worshiped at Jerusalem, while The Samaritans worshiped at Mount Gerizim.  Jesus' own well-reasoned response was ( simply ): “ But the hour is coming, and now is, when The True Worshipers shall worship the father In Spirit And In Truth - for, the Father seeks such individuals to worship in Him ” John 4:23-24 ).

The True Lesson that Jesus was attempting to get across, in this passage, is that:

  1. It has never mattered, Where We Geographically Worship Our Father The Creator...
  2. It has never mattered, Which Specific Location That We Usually Come Together In...
  3. It has never mattered, The Formal Religious Methodologies Outwardly Employed...
  4. But rather, The Condition Of Our Own Heart And Mind Is Of Singular Importance! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

If you really want to Know Your Own Enemy, then you absolutely must consider The Concept Of Divide And Conquer... since, that ( quite frankly ) is: ' The Devil's Very Own Strategy '!

" Be Ye As Wise As All Of Those Serpents "....
In my own new study series, entitled Know Your Own Enemy, I am going to discuss numerous topics of important significance in the upcoming months. And, indeed, today's topic upon The Political Concept of: " Divide And Conquer " - is one of the most spiritually relevant to America, in all of its various particulars.

" Bye Bye, American Pie.... "
After all, in no other nation upon earth has the citizenry been more: Splintered [ through carefully manufactured media events ] , Divided [ by the very people who were elected to unite them ], Fractured [ by those forces set into play over time ] and ( indeed ) Marginalized [ as each newer special interest group, becomes increasingly and therefore now functionally irrelevant ].

In fact, by this point, The America Covenant Of Brotherhood - which is actually referenced in Amos Chapter 1 [ Verses 9 Through 10 ] - has already been long ago forgotten; as if it were just any other unnecessary relic of our own past.

And: " They Set Their Nest Among The Stars "....
And, as A Once Far Too Proud And Forward Thinking Nation -that ( even ) Reached Outward To The Moon - slowly succumbs to those irresistible forces of its own foolish devising, I cannot help but notice That Prophecy Of Obadiah; which also ( quite clearly ) references, Those Very Same Latter Day Descendants Of Edom Then Living Within That Very Same Covenant Of Brotherhood And The Familial Confederation That More Fully Comprises It.

But, of course, I most certainly digress... since, the subject at hand is indeed ( actually ) The Devil's Own Strategy of: " Divide And Conquer "....

According to, the concept of Divide And Conquer refers to:
" Divide and Rule (or, Divide And Conquer, from the Latin DÄ«vide Et Impera) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.
The concept refers to a carefully: pre-planned, cleverly devised, and covert strategy - that breaks up existing power structures; and that especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up; through causing rivalries and fomenting discord among all of those other people. "

Who ( really ) is that: " Running Yet Again "?
Now, lets just see what That Politically Incorrect stand up comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin [ which means: " The Worker Upon Earth Is: The Lord Of Knowledge Or That Ancient And Noble One - And, My Own Small Champion " ] has to say upon this fairly simple subject....

America In Prophecy

Divide And Conquer
( 1992by: George Denis Patrick Carlin.
" The Worker Upon Earth Is: The Lord Of Knowledge Or That Ancient And Noble One - And, My Own Small Champion! "

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The 23rd Psalm is more than it appears... and, in point of fact, It Has Always Been An End Time Prophecy!

The 23rd Psalm - is, indeed, very comforting....
While a great many people have taken a modicum of comfort, over all of those intermittent years, in the pastoral images presented by The 23rd Psalm; and thus a significant number of them have very frequently memorized it; Psalm 23 Has Always Been Far More Than It Seems.

In fact, dear brothers and sisters: ' The 23rd Psalm Is Actually An End Time Prophecy '... and, whether you now comprehend it or not, Could Just Save Your Own Life From What's Most-Assuredly Now Coming!

Now, why don't we take the time, simply to read it?
" The Lord [ The True Titleholder And/Or Landowner Who Owns Absolutely  Everything ] is My Shepherd [ He who guides me from pasture to pasture ]I shall not want [ And there is, indeed, nothing that can be hidden from me ].

He makes me to lie down in Green Pastures
He leads me beside The Still Waters; and He restores my soul. He leads me in The Path(s) Of Righteousness [ for, indeed, there has always been more than one ] for His Own Name’s Sake [ Oh Yes... God, Indeed, Has A Very Specific And Personal Name ]

You Prepare A Table Before Me In The Presence Of My Enemies [ which they, themselves, cannot ( quite truthfully ) perceive ]You Anoint My Head With Oil [ that my own eyes might now finally be opened ]; and My Own Cup Runs Over [ since, I now may see, what even many of those prophets had not ].

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of The Lord
forever. " - Psalm 23.
{ ***NOTE: For those of you who might somehow be unaware, ' The Green Writing In Brackets Is My Own Running Commentary '... and, may often include: Another Scriptural Reference, A Dictionary Definition, or ( just ) Common Sense Understanding. You see, I've never honestly understood the logic of constantly switching from The Top to The Bottom of a page.... }

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wake Up... I need your help, folks!

The All-Seeing Eye ( often ) Perceives Everything.
Back in 2014, I made the decision to begin transferring All Of Those Prophetical Allegories to another blog entitled: " The All-Seeing Eye " - so that, I could return the focus of America In Prophecy back to it's own roots of A Proper Scriptural & Prophetical Understanding, as based upon all of those interesting scriptures themselves.

And yet, what I didn't foresee is that this particular blog would finally gain so much traction; while the new one wouldn't ( actually ) be discovered by anyone for years. After all, one would think with such a vibrant and successful following upon the one site, there would most certainly be a great deal of spillover traffic. Alas, that wasn't the case. And, in fact, very few of you have now made the transition!

America In Prophecy is about Our Upcoming Events.
Meanwhile, of course, ' The Research And Study That Went Into My New Site Has Led To Greater Scriptural Understanding That Needs To Go Up Upon This Site '... where, I dare not change anything; since, at least, it is now getting read. Thus, we are stuck in a classic case of: " Catch-22 "....

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Overpopulation And Economic Scarcity - A Common Sense Understanding

Question: " What Is The Truth About Over Population And Economic Scarcity? "

It seems, that, ' We hear something, every single day, from the mainstream media about Our Own Overpopulation and Economic Scarcity '... and, indeed, every single negative thing that is has been currently happening ( in some, often twisted way ) is quite logically attributed to it.

After all, we have been repeatedly told, It's All Just The Very Same Cause And Effect!
  • When all of those prices go up, It Is Our Demand Outstripping The Supply...
  • While wages stay flat, There Are Far Too Many People Now Looking For Jobs...
  • As those monopolies consolidate further, The Competition Is Suddenly Too Great...
  • If the weather gets too extreme, Humans Have Now Caused It With Carbon...
  • And, when those governments are broke, The Citizens Are Now Demanding Too Much...

- In fact, according to the main stream media, It Is All Very Simple Really....

Meanwhile, of course, ' In Order To Promote This Human Time Bomb Scenario We Must Completely Ignore An Entire Mountain Of Information Quite Honestly To The Contrary '... and indeed, whether you know it or not, That Is Exactly What They've Been ( Truthfully ) Doing.